Saturday, April 4, 2009

More Excitement Coming for Me2everyone

As my shareholding in me2everyone grows so does the excitement about whats to come. Yes there are many money making opportunities that are about to unfold and some great concepts that are new for online networking, socializing and putting people in touch with the expertise and financial backing that they need to do great things.

Check out me2everyone now and be sure to take advantage of the free membership and pre-launch share issue still in effect.

Here are some recent news items from me2everyone:


The legal agreements and direction sheets for the ONE WORLD Language Team are being drafted now for newer versions of the website. We have more than 800 people wanting to translate the website and support documents into 37 more languages and work is expected to start on this in a couple of weeks.


The documents are completed and we are awaiting a response from Companies House authorising the registration. Once this is completed you will be able to formally register for your shares and receive your share certificate. Shares will be fully paid up with nothing to pay on them and zero liability in case of me2everyone generating any debt. For those people who doubt the sincerity of me2everyone in this case, we will provide you third party proof from Companies House (run by the British government).


Agreements for GE - Passive will be ready soon. We've been developing new aspects of the GE programme and can now extend this beyond the 300 members we originally wanted - there will be anothe wave of GE updates soon, including an introduction to GE-Business and GE-Advantage.


Now fully developed, we are happy with the final shape of the Customer Care Network : your chance to create a small part-time business OR a full-time growing business. There are minimal start-up costs involved (with all money directed into improving m2e). There will even be the option to start the business for no cost (lower commissions apply). Launching in April is our Customer Care Network - a business upgrade that puts you in charge of a few hundred (or a few thousand) members. It also gives you an income from every new Business Member that your group discovers.

Membership of the Customer Care Network is one of the optional upgrades that we have developed. The fees generated from this will be spent upgrading the IT infrastructure and employing an internal web development team of 100+ people: enough to ensure that the website has 24/7 support and that all components that make money for members are in place.